
Have or Have Not

One day a lay practitioner came to visit a Zen master and asked him, "Do heaven and hell exist?" "Yes" "How about the Buddha, the teaching, and the monastic community, do they exist?" "Yes" He went on to ask many similar questions, and the master always answered with "Yes". Puzzled, the lay practitioners said, "Master, I am afraid you are wrong." "Have you met an enlightened teacher?" "Yes, I met…

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To keep a fresh mind

Zen has the idea of the beginner's mind - a mind that is fresh and alive. Sometimes I wonder how you can practice beginner's mind when meditation is all about focusing on one thing only - it seems a very stagnant way of using the mind. One would at first think to practice beginner's mind is to keep it moving, keep everything "new". But actually the best way is just the opposite; it is only through…

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I was sick last week, very sick. At that time I do have the chance really spend some quality time with Master Miao Tsan's book. When I read " Physical…

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How To Create Good Energy?

Student: How to create good energy? Master: Energy is like a shadow.  You don't need to create…

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Are you free?

Stop what you are doing now. Do not find substitute; do not plan to do it later. Don't let anything occupy your mind now. Are you free?

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Two Realities?

Student: What is dualistic thinking? Master: In every single moment, we live with two realities. Based…

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Rely on Wisdom, not Discrimination

Instead of using my discriminating mind to explain this teaching, it is far more interesting present a Zen koan that helps us see the meaning of wisdom and discrimination. One day a monk came to visit a Zen master. He asked, "Master, what is the mysterious way of the Buddha?" "Please don't say that I understand Buddha dharma." The master replied. "But what if I have questions?" "Why don't you ask…

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Live and Die

This morning we took our daughter to the Los Angeles County Recorder Office to register her birth. This is what we saw at the entrance. Indeed, Life is made of births and deaths. Each piece of paper…

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We Create Our Own Reality

"We have self-attachment which we attach to our perceptions in mind. Whenever we encounter the reality in every single moment, based on our perceptions,…

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Rely on the Meaning, not the Word.

To me the teaching of reliance on meaning instead of word is not just a warning against literal interpretation of Buddha's teaching - that would be substituting our words for Buddha's words. Given our deluded state of mind, I actually prefer staying with the Buddha's words. So what gives something meaning? It seems that meaning emerges only when concepts finally meets reality and become alive. In…

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  • Ego

    pic010 The "I" represents the ego. The ego is the beginning of duality. And duality means separating inside and outside, self and others. So, dualistic thinking indicates the presence of ego.…

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    Pure Mind

    k4 If you focus your cultivation on the mind, you can eventually find peace. A peaceful mind will bring forth a better reality. If you have peace, you will know how to make better decisions.…

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    Right Understanding

    pic200 When an undesirable situation occurs and you blame someone else, this is the wrong understand of reality. Without the , you will naturally assume that someone else has caused…

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    Category Listing

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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Flyers & Publications

    Friends of Integrative Medicine at M.D. Anderson CancerCenter 2014 Flyer

    University of St. Thomas 2014 Flyer


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