
Wandering Thoughts

Student:  How do I deal with wandering thoughts during the meditation? Master:  When…

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Human Physics

In physics every action triggers a reaction; in human beings, every reaction strengthens the triggering action. Therefore anger never works because how matter how anger is expressed or channeled, it always brings back the undesirable. Only by dissolving the reaction at the source can you find a way out.

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Six Senses

Student: Master, how do the six senses come from? Master: Every single person possesses a mind.  The mind…

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Confused by Reason

There is a not so fine line between rational thinking and rationalization. Today you find few truly rational people who apply the power of reason and logic to seek the right course of action in life. Instead, most people abuse the gift of reason to justify their unconscious desire. Those who abuse reason almost always see themselves as rational, having little doubt in the validity of their conclusions…

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Believe Nothing

The Buddha once said: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with…

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Koan: Fire seeking fire

The warden of the monastery had long been in the presence of Master Yuan Yi, yet never once asked for dharma instruction in person. One day Master Yuan Yi asked the warden, "Why don't you come for an interview?" "Abbot, you don't know?! I already found the entry point to the Way when I studied at Green Forest." "Well, then show me." "Someone asked "What is the Buddha?" Master Green Forest said, "Fire…

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Ten years of office politics taught me this: A unkind thought, word, or action will always, in time, turn into your disadvantage.

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Overlapping Oneness

Student: When a person creates phenomenon, people around the person also create phenomenon, right?  Can phenomenon created…

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winter tea drink

  In the cold winter, a cup of nice herbal tea always make you feel great. This is a simple winter tea recipe which is warm, cleansing and without caffeine. Hope you will like it. Receipe: Dried Chrysanthemum: 3-5 pieces…

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Real Practice

Student: What is real practice? Master: Realize your mind and realize the abilities of your mind.  This is what we…

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  • Ego

    pic010 The "I" represents the ego. The ego is the beginning of duality. And duality means separating inside and outside, self and others. So, dualistic thinking indicates the presence of ego.…

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    Pure Mind

    k4 If you focus your cultivation on the mind, you can eventually find peace. A peaceful mind will bring forth a better reality. If you have peace, you will know how to make better decisions.…

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    Right Understanding

    pic200 When an undesirable situation occurs and you blame someone else, this is the wrong understand of reality. Without the , you will naturally assume that someone else has caused…

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    Category Listing

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    Category Listing

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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Flyers & Publications

    Friends of Integrative Medicine at M.D. Anderson CancerCenter 2014 Flyer

    University of St. Thomas 2014 Flyer


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