
Purify Your Mind

Student: Master, how do we deal with wandering thoughts in our practice? Master: Consider this…

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Pure Mind

Student: What is Enlightenment? Master: Enlightenment is a status of your mind. What kind of status is it? Enlightenment…

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Everything is in you

Student: What does propagating the Dharma mean? Master: The propagation of Dharma does not concentrate…

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Karma and I

Student: What is karma? Master:  Karma is the manifestation of your mind. When your mind manifests the reality…

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Liberation and You

Student: Master, what is liberation? Does it apply to everyone? Master: When you can liberate yourself from your…

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Calm Mind

Student: How to stay calm in hectic daily activities? Master: When the situation comes up, one must first perceive…

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Stay Low in the Boat

The Mind is like water that can either give a ship buoyancy or sink it. When we have the ability to generate the thoughts we desire, we are able to bring forth the life we want. When we lack mastery over our mind, we become the victim…

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Zen Music

Hello, everyone. I have just returned from a brief visit to Vairocana Zen Monastery and my friend, Venerable Master Miao…

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Real Practice

Student: Master, how to apply "nothing beyond the mind" in our daily life? Master: When we see something,…

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Zhao-Zhou's Practice

Someone asked Elder Zhao-Zhou (Joshu) how he practiced, and he said

"For thirty years my mind remains undistracted, except perhaps when eating and putting on robes. Most people dwell on what they know, I alone remain in the not-knowing."
I find the idea of being un-distracted really intriguing. Some distractions are obvious, we become fidgety and chatty in…

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  • Ego

    pic010 The "I" represents the ego. The ego is the beginning of duality. And duality means separating inside and outside, self and others. So, dualistic thinking indicates the presence of ego.…

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    Pure Mind

    k4 If you focus your cultivation on the mind, you can eventually find peace. A peaceful mind will bring forth a better reality. If you have peace, you will know how to make better decisions.…

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    Right Understanding

    pic200 When an undesirable situation occurs and you blame someone else, this is the wrong understand of reality. Without the , you will naturally assume that someone else has caused…

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    Category Listing

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    Category Listing

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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Flyers & Publications

    Friends of Integrative Medicine at M.D. Anderson CancerCenter 2014 Flyer

    University of St. Thomas 2014 Flyer


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