
Calmness and Wisdom

Student: Does calmness make things clearer?

Master:  Yes. With calmness in mind, you will be able to have more powers to generate right thoughts  to handle the reality.  Different status in mind creates different level of calmness in mind.  you treat people  differently which leads to a different result.  This is what I mean to elevate calmness and to elevate…

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Let sky be the sky Let water be the water Let body be the body Let thought be the thought Let heat be the heat Let cold be the cold What's left?…

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Student: Why there is no outside? Master: Nothing is beyond the mind. Energy cannot be separated or divided.…

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What do you believe?

Try to remember something you believed so strongly that your life was completely driven by it -  you thought you will never change or go away from it - and yet today you no longer believe it. It could be an accomplishment, a relationship, a religious or philosophical faith or conviction. Whatever it was, it is a belief. Do you remember having such belief? If you do, then compare that to anything…

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Karma and Me?!

Student: What does karma got to do with our life? Master: We have a saying, "Every carrot has its own…

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Subconscious Level

Student:  What is the difference between conscious and subconscious? Master:  Every single moment…

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What can you count on?

When life brings challenges, what can you count on for support? Can you get relief from a good book, some sight-seeing, or visit a park? Do you need to "talk it out" or "numb it out"? Can some food or music do the trick or maybe a pill or two? Perhaps a massage too. Maybe what you need is really just one good thought - you need to think it through and make sense of it. Maybe your religion or personal…

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Slow Down...

Student:  How to get started,  in order to change my habitual thinking patterns? Master: Reconstruct. …

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Let Go Your Attachments

Student: How to reach enlightenment? Master:  Enlightenment is a status of your mind.  When your mind has tranquility,…

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The Intangible

One day a Zen master asked a junior monk, "Can you grasp the intangible?" Monk replied, "Yes." "How?" The junior monk then waved his hands in the air with a grasping gesture. The Master told him,"You don't know how." Monk asked, "Well, how do you do it then?" The Zen master grasped the monk's nose and squeeze it hard. In pain the monk cried out, "Let it go, that hurts!" Master said, "That's how…

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  • Ego

    pic010 The "I" represents the ego. The ego is the beginning of duality. And duality means separating inside and outside, self and others. So, dualistic thinking indicates the presence of ego.…

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    Pure Mind

    k4 If you focus your cultivation on the mind, you can eventually find peace. A peaceful mind will bring forth a better reality. If you have peace, you will know how to make better decisions.…

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    Right Understanding

    pic200 When an undesirable situation occurs and you blame someone else, this is the wrong understand of reality. Without the , you will naturally assume that someone else has caused…

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    Category Listing

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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Houston Events

     Master Miao Tsan at St Paul’s Methodist Church 2014 Event


    Master Miao Tsan at Women’s Institute of Houston


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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Lecture Excerpts

    Miao Tsan on “The Paradox of Love”
    at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston

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    Flyers & Publications

    Friends of Integrative Medicine at M.D. Anderson CancerCenter 2014 Flyer

    University of St. Thomas 2014 Flyer


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