Student: Master, what is liberation? Does it apply to everyone? Master: When you can liberate yourself from your angry thoughts, this is liberation. When you can liberate yourself from your sickness, this is liberation. When you can liberate yourself from bad relationships with family members, colleagues or friends, this is liberation. When you can quit your negative habits, it is liberation. Liberation is everywhere. One hand is the suffering, and the other hand is liberation. Where there is suffering, there is a method of liberation. Do you still think that liberation belongs to practitioners only? It does not. Instead, liberation belongs to everyone. Without liberation, it means you are not free but have lots of suffering. Liberate yourself from worry, sickness, negative situations, and financial problems. This is liberation. If you cannot be liberated from your negative habits, how can you talk about liberation? How can you reach enlightenment and find a home for eternity? The idea of liberation--the truth of liberation--exists everywhere. Some people misunderstand the idea of liberation. They think that liberation belongs to practitioners, certain groups or to spirituality. In truth, liberation belongs to everyone. Do you have problems? Yes, just as everyone has. Do you have worries? Yes. Then you should liberate yourself from them. It is simple and clear. So, do you want to have liberation? Yes, you certainly do.
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