From East to West, Zen has been a sizzling topic. Depends on individual background, different people have different understanding of what Zen is. With a right understanding to begin with is very critical to avoid wasting time and effort. What is Zen actually? And how does it benefit you in improving your relationship? I found it's a very practical to practice Zen in our daily life. It's the doorway to happiness. Open your mind and let Zen Master Miao Tsan's teaching flow into your mind... "Among the world's cultural traditions, Zen is considered the practice of wisdom, the knowledge of the universal principle and life. The spirit of Zen teaching is held in great regard by people of various culÂtures and ethnic traditions. The practice of Zen brings about a positive influence on the individual, and also improves his interaction with the environment. Zen practice improves life here and now, and eventually leads to the attainment of freedom from worry and a deep sense of abiding joy. The key idea in Zen is "Mind Only." All situations we experience, whether we choose them or not, are manifested by the doors we have opened in the mind. All situations and problems encountered in life are caused by the doors that were created in the mind, because the phenomÂena that occurred developed as a response to these doors being opened. Because of this relationship between our reality and our mental doors, we should not confront the surface of a problem. Instead, we should take personal responsibility and correct the underlying pattern of thinking that has created the problem. Every problem that manifests in our life is simply a reflection of our inner problems..." Fa Hwa
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