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Last Sunday is Chinese New Year, Chinese all over the world was celebrating this day. But what is new? what is old? Every moment is new, as master taught us "all the phenomenon generate and disappear at the same exact moment; that is the universal truth of impermanent!" So Every moment is new and every moment is leaving us right now too. You may say then there is nothing to celebrate; but why don't we look at it in a positive…
Continue Reading »This morning we took our daughter to the Los Angeles County Recorder Office to register her birth. This is what we saw at the entrance. Indeed, Life is made of births and deaths. Each piece of paper has a story of joy or sadness,…
Continue Reading »Everyone is looking for happiness. But do we really know what is happiness and/or how to find it? The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan has a sounding explanation for it. "The most important issue today is the over-emphasis of materialistic pursuits. The thought that brings…
Continue Reading »Thousand - foot waterfall flows into the deep pond; High waves hit off the bank and splash onto deities. Behind the water a bird flies back to its nest in a tree; Unencumbered by the four seasons, the flower of the…
Continue Reading »Cheryl Alexander, Change Magazine Editor, speaks to Master Miao Tsan on November 8, on what Zen means for the holidays. Very interesting topic. Please click on the link, http://www.changemediaonline.com/…
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