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Look Withincat02

No event in any external situation can affect your negatively unless you allow it to. Situations bother you because you generate restless thoughts based on habitual patterns.…

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I can't get no... satisfactioncat04

How about this modified lyric to the Rolling Stone song? I can't get no satisfaction even if I get satisfaction I can't get no true peace of heart 'cuz real peace is beyond satisfaction n' dissatisfaction.

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What Do I Think about the Teaching?cat04

"As you read [Just Use This Mind], do not filter these concepts through your past experiences. There is a Zen saying, "To intend is already off-base; to think misses the truth." In other words, open your mind completely to the present moment. Only the manifestation in the present moment…

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Live With Impermanencecat02

Student: How to live with impermanence? Master: First we need to realize the meaning of impermanence -- every single moment is changing.…

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Rely on Universal Truth, not conventional truth.cat04

The common explanation of this teaching is always with regard to the written words of the Buddha, who taught what many considered as conventional truths - concepts and practices that addressed only particular situations. The sutras, the recorded teachings of the Buddha, has therefore been categorized into those containing conventional truths and those containing universal truth that is without exception. The recommendation…

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