To me the teaching of reliance on meaning instead of word is not just a warning against literal interpretation of Buddha's teaching - that would be substituting our words for Buddha's words. Given our deluded state of mind, I actually prefer staying with the Buddha's words. So what gives something meaning? It seems that meaning emerges only when concepts finally meets reality and become alive. In other words, we finally recognize the reality that came before the words, that which the words are trying to express. Until you learn how to rely on meaning instead of the word, happiness, freedom, abundance, and love will remain as unattainable ideals outside of us.
Comments (1)
Jun 13, 2011 at 11:41 AM
Sometimes words can not express the true reality of one's life. An example would be when a woman has a child. Listening to people I know that have children, their description of their first meeting with the baby is almost hard to describe in words. The reality is the baby in their arms and their heart bursting with joy, awe and amazement but when they try and tell you how they feel, it cannot be truly expressed in words.
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